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พื้นที่เก็บข้อมูลออนไลน์ ฟรี 2GB จาก Dropbox (sync กับ Windows, Linux, Mac, iPhone, Android ฯลฯ ได้)


SPARC notebook running Solaris ? What for ?

Apart from reasons from developers and on-site support engineers, there are reasons from others as well.

One of them, taken from a product overview of BULLFROG, a Dual 1.2 GHz UltraSPARC IIIi, up to 16GB RAM, notebook from Tadpole :

… Ideal as a mobile workstation or as a portable server for rapid deployment in military and disaster recovery applications. Offers uncompromised levels of performance (and unrivalled security, together with Trusted Solaris) in a fraction of the space required by alternative solutions. …

Of somehow related, Comet 12 – Ultra-compact notebook version of the Sun Ray ultra-thin client with Wi-Fi.

1 comment:

PPhetra said...

BulllFrog Spec.
14.9" (W) x 12.8" (D) x 3.9" (H)

Approximately 20.5 lbs

หนา 4 นิ้ว กับ หนัก 10 โล
แต่ชอบนะ notebook 2 cpu